come的喂abc是什么歌 come的喂abc出自哪首歌

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导读:come的喂abc是什么歌?以下由小编为大家带来介绍。1、come的喂abc是歌曲《Pump up the Rhythm》的歌词。2、歌词如下:Pump up the R

come的喂abc是什么歌 come的喂abc出自哪首歌

1、come的喂abc是歌曲《Pump up the Rhythm》的歌词。


Pump up the Rhythm加快节奏

Oh RightOh~好了

Were TakinThis Through To 2005让我们穿越回2005

We Got,Dj Gabry Ponte我们有:Dj Gabry Ponte

Ready on the Wheels of Steel准备好了吗?

Takinyou to the next level让你更上一层楼

Next Dimension下一维度

So,here we go所以,让我们嗨起来

Pump Up The Bass加大低音炮


And Bust This Place在这里叼炸天

As 123就像123

Pump Up The Rhythm加快节奏

And Well Be Coming Soon我们的时代很快就会来

DJ Come OnDJ come on,Lets Boom Boom Boom

让我们Boom Boom Boom,Pump Up The Bass加大低音炮

As ABC节奏ABC,And Bust This Place,我们叼炸天

As 123就像123

Pump Up The Rhythm加快节奏

And Well Be Coming Soon我们的时代马上就来

DJ Come On,DJ come on

Lets Boom Boom Boom让我们Boom Boom Boo

Pump Up The Bass,加大低音炮


Amp Up This Place叼炸这个地方

As 123就像123

Pump Up The Rhythm加快节奏

And Well Be Coming Soon我们的时代马上就来

DJ Come On,DJ come on,Lets Boom Boom Boom

让我们Boom Boom Boom,Pump Up The Bass,加大低音炮

As ABC节奏ABC,And Bust This Place

叼炸这个地方,As 123,就像123

Pump Up The Rhythm加快节奏

And Well Be Coming Soon我们的时代马上就来

DJ Come On,DJ come on,Lets Boom Boom Boom

让我们Boom Boom Boom,Pump Up The Bass加大低音炮

As ABC,节奏ABC,Amp Up This Place叼炸这个地方

As 123就像123Pump Up The Rhythm加快节奏

And Well Be Coming Soon,我们的时代马上就来

DJ Come On,DJ Come On,Lets Boom Boom Boom

让我们Boom Boom Boom,Yo Ladies,Yo~女士们

Yo Ladies,Yo~女士们,Yo Ladies,Yo~女士们

Yo fellas bust it out,get ready哟伙计们弄垮它,准备好了吗?

Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out弄垮它

Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out弄垮它

Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out(Get Ready)


Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out弄垮它

Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out弄垮它

Bust,It,Out Bust It Out(Yo Ladies)


Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out弄垮它

Bust,Bust,Bust Bust It Out弄垮它

