
2023-03-18 12:31:26



11月7日上午,世界著名音乐教育家、活动家、钢琴家、美国耶鲁大学音乐学院院长罗伯特布洛克(Robert Blocker)一行来到小银咖啡馆音乐教育进行参观交流活动。在小银咖啡馆创始人兼首席执行官李艾的介绍下,罗伯特布洛克一行参观了小银咖啡馆上银校区。双方就音乐教育进行了深入交流,就“教学互动、交换生、游学、预科班”等话题进行了探讨。罗伯特布洛克高度评价了小银咖啡馆的办学理念、专业水平和教育成果,并向小银咖啡馆的师生们致以诚挚的祝福。

小银咖啡馆创始人兼CEO李艾与耶鲁大学音乐学院院长Robert Blocker合影。



在双方交流过程中,小银咖啡馆创始人兼CEO李艾介绍了小银咖啡馆的办学理念、办学特色、师资力量等。敬罗伯特布洛克总统。Robert Blocker院长对小银咖啡馆近年来所取得的教育成果给予了高度评价,并对小银咖啡馆严格的筛选模式和系统的师资培训形式给予了大力肯定。他认为优秀的教师可以在儿童音乐教育中发挥重要作用。当被问及音乐教育对儿童和世界发展的重要性时,罗伯特布洛克院长谈到了这一点,他说:“音乐可以带来希望,给人愉快的精神享受。音乐可以改变人们的交流方式,人们的相处方式和思维方式,为不同语言的人搭建起沟通的桥梁。”

美国耶鲁大学音乐学院院长Robert Blocker在小银咖啡馆校园音乐厅与小银咖啡馆团队合影。

美国耶鲁大学音乐学院院长Robert Blocker为小银咖啡馆的师生送上祝福。


会谈最后,小银咖啡馆创始人兼CEO李艾向Robert Brock院长赠送了由小银咖啡馆冠名并主办的2019上海国际儿童音乐周纪念品。曾多次访问中国的罗伯特布洛克院长(Dean Robert Brock)对这套展示中国传统乐器的礼物非常喜爱,认为它具有独特的意义。耶鲁音乐学院院长一行的到访,开启了小银咖啡馆与世界著名音乐学院交流的新阶段。未来,小银咖啡馆将进一步加强与众多世界知名音乐学院的合作与交流,谱写音乐教育领域的新篇章。





erstand the general knowledge of music. On the other side, for our teachers, they may only know how to teach. They don’t know the business model in the industry and this is the limitation in their career. Little Musician provide them a platform to fine more students and give the more chance to teach.

Robert: That’s what I wondered about what you did. Like any performers in the college, they don’t really know how to teach. So, you can teach them how to teach.



Li Ai:There are more than 30 thousand music educators in Shanghai. So, we invite them to work with us. 60% of them graduate from famous universities in China and 40% of them graduate from other international universities. Through our platform, we can help parents to find a good teacher and help teachers who teaching at home to meet with more students. We now have 30 music instruments can be taught by our teachers. In this year, we have more than 2000 new students which is 10 times more than other education centre.

Robert:Great. So, I have some questions. How do you screen your teachers to get three thousand from thirty thousand? What is your criterion? How you decide who get in to the threethousand teachers’ group?





Li Ai:At first we will pay attention to the university. This accounts for about 30%. Secondly, we will pay attention to their teaching age which is really important for a teacher. This also accounts for about 30%.

Robert: But you know, some of the teachers may have taught about fifteen years or twenty years but they may not be a good teacher. So how you judge if they are good teachers? Just because your graduating or your teaching for a long time doesn’t mean you are good. So how you confirm that you have the best teacher?



Li Ai:So the last 30% is the evaluation of the teacher's situational drill. Our main target customers are the children from 4 to 16 years old. According to the four characteristics of children and the different learning goals of parents, teachers need to customize a study plan for their students, so as to assess whether the teacher has experience.

Robert: Ok, so another words. If you sign up a teacher to be in your company, do they have to take your training programme before they start teaching?



Li Ai:Yes. They will be trained for one month, including the course and the processes.

Robert: And how much do they have to pay?



Li Ai:They don’t need to pay.

Robert: But when they sign up, they teach for you instead of teaching at home. Do they give you part of the teaching fee?



Li Ai:Before we sign up with the teacher, we will have a short interview with them and offer them a training course. Through interviews and the course, we judge whether they are suitable to become a teacher of Little Musician. They don’t need to pay for the training course, and we only charge a small portion of the teaching fee.

Robert: But how do you generate the company? How you make money?



Li Ai:We don’t make money from the training course but from the group lessons and the sale of music instruments and other activities, like summer camp and so on.

Robert: So, if a teacher as one of your teachers, are they required to put a certain children in the group lessons? Are they have to do that?



Li Ai:They do not have to do that. But we have sales team. We will talk to the children and their parents, show them what they can learn from the group lessons. We don’t want to make any money from these teachers. We would like to build a ecosystem that make money from other activities and extra services, and also courses.

Robert: Well, it’s working! That’s what I wondered. The ecosystem is very fragile and especially the economy is tough.



Li Ai:Actually, compared with other company, we only take very small part of teaching fee.

Robert: I know. I understand the standard way of business model here in Shanghai. It’s not the one I like. I think they don’t qualify their teachers as you do. You qualified your teachers better.



Li Ai:We believe that the teacher is an export of education, and the quality of the teacher is what we must check. Although we are a commercial company, the long-term business comes from our responsibility for education.

Robert: Yes, I understand. There in Yale we say the same thing. But if we don’t have money, we can’t educate. And if you don’t have profit, you don’t have business. If you have the best teachers, then the parents will know that. They will pay for the quality. That’s the thing. And you know education is the foundation. This foundation is strong to build a big house. In your way you know the importance of the foundation and this can support your brand better.



Li Ai:Yes, our teaching philosophy is to give teachers a good ecosystem, so that they will focus on teaching better.

Robert: But if you provide opportunity to your teachers, that’s also a revenue stream.



Li Ai:Yes, so we also provide many training opportunities for teachers. We work with Zhou Wei to hold some master lectures every month to keep teachers in a state of learning, including teaching and musical instruments.

Robert: Is he writing a programme for you?




Li Ai:Yes, practise programme and literacy programme. I have two questions here and I hope you can express your opinion. So, what changes can music education bring to our children and the world future?

Robert:I tell my student that music brings hope. Music can not change the world straight. Music can not start a war. What music does is changing the way people behave and the way people talk to each other and the way we live. What I’m doing now is a good example. Because I’m still learning how to speak Chinese. It’s terrible. And I have been coming to China since 1989. And you don’t speak English well. But still we have this bridge that we can talk.

We have this bridge because of music. So, I’m looking into your percentage that you have over 60% of teachers from China and 40% from overseas. In my school, we keep it very small. We only have 200 students. That’s all. Because everybody comes free. But over 40% of our student comes from overseas, and 60% of them are American. So, we do the same thing as you do. That’s why I believe music can improve our world. We let people from different believes, different countries talk to each other. We talk in a gentle way, not for fight. That’s what music bring to the world.




Li Ai:Nowadays, China and the West are increasingly close in cultural exchanges. How can we learn from each other in music education in your view?

Robert: Firstly, I don’t teach little children in the west, so I really don’t know. I don’t think there is much difference right now. Piano used to be a lot more popular in the United States that more children took lessons even twenty years ago. Now more are involved in sports and other things. The places that I involved in music is very serious. I have a very young grandson, he practise over 5 hours a day. Which is crazy. He should practise as much as possible. He missed part of his life. And this is one thing I can also see in China.

Because I do so much teaching in master classes. The students can not experience. They work so hard and they miss a lot of life. But if you have the experience doing other things like going to museum, reading a book, playing soccer, it helps your music. It helps you play impressively. This is the biggest different I see for children who learning music. The parents in China are more intense on their kids, they think they must do something, may be music, sports, whatever. And the child need freedom. They can do something different but not just music.






Li Ai:In Little Musician, some of the children are learning western instruments, and some of them are learning Chinses instruments. I hope there would be a chance in the future for them to communicate with your students in Yale university of Music, which could be a great exchange of Chinese and foreign music culture.

Robert: Sometimes there are some study group coming to Yale. We have a very famous music collection. And we do some exchanges with the CCOM, Shanghai Conservatory and other places. We want our students to learn more and more Chinese instruments. In my first trip in China in 1989, I went to see the Peking Opera. I think it’s very important for every country to preserve their culture.

When I’m in sixth grade, 10 years old, I became interested in China because of my sixth-grade teacher. She told me about China because her sister had a mission there in China. So, I have different technology to let me learn about China. I learn from photographs and pictures in the books, not on the computer. And I went to the library and I learned. Your job here and my job in Yale is to teach students about the history of the nation, just like the history of music. So probably, if I came to your school on Saturday where I have all the students together, and I said who can tell me what erhu is? Maybe only 10% of them would know. Most of them would not know.

If I’m in America, in Yale, and I have small classes. If I asked the same question, they would also not know. And the parents would say it’s ok, they can look it up. It’s not ok. Because when you see, when you touch, they grow in your heart. So, I think what you do is so important because you can not only help the children understand the own culture in China, but also you can help them understand the world so much better. I think in addition to the teachers, the big problem would be their parents.

I will give you an example. When my children were little, people said why don’t you make them to take music? I would not make them to take music only if they want to take music. I want them to find their own part. My teacher was a music educator, like you, when I was a little boy. She is not a great pianist, but she is a great teacher. She taught me to love music. I did not know what I would do in the future. And she didn’t lead this. She only taught me one point, if you love music and you let the music into your heart, it will make your life better. And parents have to understand that better. When you force somebody to do something, they normally don’t like it. But if you guide them, let them choose what they want to do, that would be very different.





Li Ai:Our philosophy is very close to yours. When we designed the Japanese music culture exchange, we added the fragrance of cherry blossoms in the classroom, and the lighting was also designed to be pink and white, so that children can feel like the cherry blossoms. The teachers will also wear traditional Japanese opera costumes.

Robert: That sounds great! So, have you done the same thing on American music?



Li Ai:Yes, absolutely. We have planned different culture communication lessons like Arabic, Japan, American, Europe and so on.

Robert: It’s great to learn more about your company and to talk with you. I’m glad what you do.



Thank you for your time!

Robert: Thank you!

