Many of these adulatory characterizations were attributed to unnamed sources. 在这些献媚取宠的特写当中,很多材料来源不清。
Every time a floundering friend or family member serves gloom and doom, you bounce it back with adulatory optimism. 每次一位挣扎的朋友或家人发出”黑暗和毁灭”之球,你就以一记“成年人的乐观”回击。
"Flatter " , if sheet looks from literal, namely " adulatory " with " fawn on " combination. “谄谀”,如果单从字面上看,就是“谄媚”与“阿谀”的组合。
The present paper has been written her norphological structure of larynx of an adul female southern elephant seal. 对一头雌性南象海豹的喉做了解剖和测量。
During my colleagues, there are so many superexcellent ones, trickish ones, adulatory ones, who are doing better than me, and I have fallen to a walk-on. 同事中,能力卓越者、攻于心计者、溜须拍马者,强于我的更是不胜其数,自己现在已沦为一个跑龙套的。
Good CD, Johnsrude IS, Ashburner J, Henson RNA, Friston KJ, Frackowiak RSJ (2001) A voxel-based morphometric study of aging in 465 normal adul ... 文献看懂了一般,那个标准处理方式简洁明了,但是那个优化之后的版本,怎么写的那么不好理解呀。大家的感觉如何