(astronomy) the point in an orbit farthest from the body being orbited
The repeated thrust applications at apoapsis would raise periapsis from inside to outside the stationary orbit. 重复在远心点施以推力,会将近心点由同步轨道内提升到同步轨道外。
They would first switch on the EDT at apoapsis, which lies outside the stationary orbit, to produce thrust and power. 首先在位于同步轨道以外的远心点启动EDT,产生推进力和能源。
According to the principles of orbital dynamics, the most efficient places to apply drag or thrust are the points in the orbit nearest (periapsis) and farthest (apoapsis) from Jupiter. 根据轨道动力学的原则,施加拖曳或推进力最有效率的位置是轨道中最靠近及最远离木星的点(分别为近心点与远心点)。
apoapsis in orbit around Jupiter. 以木星为中心的轨道的最远点。
apoapsis in orbit around the moon. 以月球为中心的轨道的最远点。
apoapsis in solar orbit; the point in the orbit of a planet or comet that is at the greatest distance from the sun. 以太阳为中心的最远点;在天体运行轨道上距离太阳最远的点。