I replied that I had particularly liked the scallop carpaccio with avocado mousse as it tasted of summer. 因此,人们习惯于任何食品都能在一年中的任何时候可以吃到。
He says it's his "latest and fave Italian place" with a tempting menu of fresh produce, including succulent Parma ham and beef carpaccio. 他说这是他“新发现并喜爱的意大利餐厅”,那里提供诱人的新鲜食物,包括多汁的帕玛火腿和意式生牛肉。
The a-la-carte menu stretches from the high-end, stuffed goose liver in balsamic vinegar and smoked salmon carpaccio to the standard fair. 菜单囊括菜肴从高档的鹅肝沾香醋,到熏烤三纹鱼、生牛肉片,再到各式标准菜品。
Beef jerky carpaccio? |来点生腌牛肉干?
Is an excellent aperitif wine and goes very well with cold or hot shellfish and fish dishes such as carpaccio, ceviche, mixed shellfish and fish soups.It is also ideal for sushis and sashimis. 极好的开胃酒,适合与冷热贝类鱼类搭配,如生牛肉片酸桔汁腌鱼贝类和鱼汤,寿司等一起享用。
Wild mushrooms topped with Goose Liver Carpaccio 野生牛肝菌意式烩饭配鹅肝