Especially suitable to suck the carpolite and brick suck as bigger impurity in sewer. 排放有加压排放和自流排放两种方式。
The effects of physical and chemical speciality,superplasticizer characteristic,species and dosage of admixture,carpolite and sand on compatibility were studied. 分析了水泥化学和物理特性、外加剂本身、掺合料的种类和掺量及集料对相容性的影响;
The main function of vacuum sucking sewage truck is to suck and transport the dejecta and sullage and carpolite and the other liquid mixing big suspend impurity for Environment Protection in city. 我公司生产的真空吸污车系列主要功能是为城乡环卫部门抽吸和运送粪便、淤泥、石子及其它混有较大悬浮杂物的液体。