Committeeman of Industrial Design Committee of Association of Chinese Artist. 张乃仁教授曾在日本大阪福田设计研究所研修,在日本东京千叶大学工业设计系担任访问学者。
Xue Yongnian, professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Committeeman of Academic Committee, CAFA. 单国强,故宫博物院研究馆员。故宫博物院学术委员会委员,宫廷部主任。
Yuelin Wang The senior member of IEEE, the committeeman of the sensitive technology branch of Chinese Electronic Institute. 张文栋: 中北大学校长,中国兵工学会副理事长,中国兵工学会测试技术专业委员会主任委员。
SHEN Yi from Langjiu Liquor Group defeated other 100 nationwide players and won championship in `2006 National Liquor Tasting Committeeman Exams. 在今年举办的国家级白酒评酒委员考试中,四川郎酒集团的沈毅战胜了来自全国的100名对手,一举夺得了冠军。
Each student does his own part in the collective thorough cleaning and takes a rest after the labor committeeman's examining. 集体大扫除时每个人都必须做好自己份内之事;做好之后由劳动委员检查之后方可休息。
He is now a full professor and academia committeeman of the Department of Computer Science and Technology in Nanjing University. 江苏省微型电脑应用协会理事会副理事长兼多媒体及应用技术专委会主任;