

美  英
adj.  (法国哲学家孔德的)实证哲学的;实证论的;实证主义的


  1. By exploring the world of science in America, within the framework of comtist view of science and functism, Cole concludes that social stratification in science is on the verge of universalism. 在实证主义科学观和功能论框架下,科尔通过考察美国科学界得出科学界的社会分层接近于普遍主义的结论。
  2. He criticized the school of historical materialism with the magazine modern history that he held at his own expense. He maintained that the historical evolutionism understood by Hegelists was not periodic cycle and the comtism was linear evolutionism. 主张黑格尔主义与孔德主义相结合的历史进化论,认为黑格尔主义所认识的历史进化为非周期的循环,而孔德主义为直线进化论,因历史发展既有直线又有曲折,所以只有两相结合,才能全面认识历史的发展进程。
  3. Naturalist literature was directly affected by H.A. Taine's philosophy of art which was under the impact of Comtism's positivist philosophy, so Comtism's positivist philosophy is the philosophical source of naturalist literature. 自然主义文学直接受惠于丹纳的艺术哲学,丹纳哲学又受孔德的实证主义哲学影响,所以实证主义哲学是自然主义文学的哲学根源。
  4. It directly affected Vienna Circle on behalf of logical comtism and the philosophy of language analysis; 它直接影响了以维也纳学派为代表的逻辑实证主义和后来的语言分析哲学;
  5. (2) It directly affected Vienna Circle on behalf of logical comtism and the philosophy of language analysis; (2)它直接影响了以维也纳学派为代表的逻辑实证主义和后来的语言分析哲学;
