In condolatory activity, he Hongda of director of department of member of railway ministry leading Party group, politics is round.. 慰问活动中;铁道部党组成员、政治部主任何洪 达就团...
The Scientists and Technologists that makes special contribution to the development that is arms industry expresses kind and condolatory! 向为兵器工业的发展作出非凡贡献的科技工作者表示亲切慰问!
He expresses condolatory and cordial acknowledgment to the cadre worker of system of old liaison man on behalf of the Party Central Committee, the State Council. 他代表党中心、国务院向大交通系统的干部职工表示慰问衷心的感谢。
Visit a patient to should send what flower to visit the sick send a flower, contain disease of consideration, condolatory, blessing to have the restful, idea that recovers at an early date. 探望病人应该送什么花探病送花,含有关怀、慰问、祝福病患平安、早日康复之意。
Condolatory Letter by Wuyi, the Vice Premier of the State Council and Minister of Ministry of Health 国务院副总理兼卫生部部长吴仪致全国护理工作者的慰问信
9 see joke: War to jumping over defend oneself to strike back, professor Huang ever went as condolatory round member front has expressed sympathy and solicitude for soldier. 9看笑话: 对越自卫反击战时,黄教授曾作为慰问团成员去前线慰问过战士。