

美[kə'rɒbərənt]  英[kə'rɒbərənt]
adj.  使强固的;确证的
n.  强壮剂;确证的资料


  1. used of a medicine that is strengthening


  1. Methods: 15 corroborant cases of pancreatic tuberculosis were analyzed retrospectively. 方法:对资料完整诊断明确的15例胰腺结核患者进行分析。
  2. At least, do not have here any written corroborant (like letter of appointment, reward) of and so on. 至少,这里没有任何书面的确证(如聘书、酬谢之类)。
  3. Last week, branch of my province quarantine is corroborant closing tired port to discover Egypt yellow-fever mosquito. 上周,我省检疫部门确证在关累口岸发现埃及伊蚊。
  4. Ms.Lin be overjoyed, after selling the home to contact corroborant the other side to the book can be bought with this, paid a money instantly. 林女士喜出望外,在与该卖家联系并确证对方有书可买后,立即付了款。
  5. The west is contemporary scientific research data again corroborant the admonition of our ancestor: Clear water gives lotus, natural go vulture act the role ofing. 西方现代科研数据再次确证了我们老祖宗的箴言:清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。
  6. This kind of value of the portray content in economic society is planted in this just about the ability in economic connection gets corroborant with implementation. 经济交往中的塑造之物的这种价值正是在这种经济联系中才得到确证和实现。
