

美  英
adj.  大夏的


  1. Even though Dacian was at first amused and tried to flatter her, Eulalia would not deny Christ. 最后,长官下令将她的身体用铁钩子撕扯开,并在伤口处点上火以加剧她的痛苦,在这过程中她的头发着了火。
  2. Treasure enough to transform the city of Rome.Grand new monuments including the spectacular Trajan's Column depicting every phase of the Dacian Wars. 所搜刮的财富足以重建罗马城,竖立崭新的纪念碑,包括壮观的图拉真圆柱,描绘达契亚战争各阶段战事。
  3. Roughly equivalent to modern Romania, the area's earliest known inhabitants were Getae and Dacian people of Thracian stock. 已知最早的居民是属色雷斯族(Thracian)的盖塔人(Getae)和达契亚人(Dacian)。
  4. Built in the 1st centuries B.C. and A.D. under Dacian rule, these fortresses show an unusual fusion of military and religious architectural techniques and concepts from the classical world and the late European Iron Age. 达亚恩城堡,欧洲铁器时代晚期的军事防御建筑,修建于公元前一世纪,用来抵御罗马人的入侵。
  5. Claymore - Dacian Falx - Highland Blade 双刃大刀-双刃镰-高地之剑
