Noun- a country on western coast of Africa; formerly under French control
- Dahomey Amazons: this unit is available when holding territory in North Africa. 必须拥有疆土在北非,这个单位是可招募的。
- Unfortunately, many of the palaces were burnt down by the Dahomey in 1892 during a war with the French. 可惜的是,许多皇宫都在一八九二年对法军之战时付之一炬。
- Each Dahomey king built his own palace in the capital, Abomey, and after he died his palace was turned into his funeral temple. 每一位达荷美国王都在首都阿波美建造自己的皇宫,驾崩后皇宫就成为陵墓。
- Look this, I just unpacked unfinished game .pack file. I still got dahomey amazon model although I'm only buying a standard edition. 看;我刚刚解包了游戏.;尽管我只购买了普通版;但我还是发现了达荷美女战士的贴图模型
- National Council of Revolution of Dahomey; 达荷美全国革命委员会;
- 1808304[/attach] Dahomey Amazons: this unit is available when holding territory in North Africa. 必须拥有疆土在北非,这个单位是可利用的。