

美['deməɡɒɡi]  英['deməɡɒɡi]
n.  煽动家的方法与行为;蛊惑民心的策略和手段


  1. impassioned appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the populace


  1. This was demagogy outsmarting itself. 这是弄巧反拙的煽动。
  2. Election campaigns have always been riddled with demagogy and worse. 选举活动总是充斥了煽动和坏事。
  3. Such a person in reality did not act, the courage, so the network can only rely on these posts to vent, demagogy. 这种人在现实中没有作为,没胆量,所以就只能靠网络发这些帖子来发泄,哗众取宠。
  4. This is what we used to say: the radical, mystify, demagogy ... since embarked on this path, but also had to go. 这就是大家常说的:过激、故弄玄虚、哗众取宠...既然走上了这条路,也要硬著头皮走下去。
  5. The glance of the authors, because direct and free from any demagogy, returns account with accuracy of the current fate of these auditoriums. 作者的目光是直接的,并无任何煽情,因而准确地反映了这些大会堂目前的命运。
  6. Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the angels. 这些谁考虑魔鬼是一个党派的邪恶和天使的勇士好接受蛊惑天使。Things are clearly more complicated.;事情显然是更为复杂。
