

美  英
n.  总载重吨位


  1. DWC retained 10 per cent of phase one and 25 per cent of phase two. DWC信息保留百分之十的第一阶段和百分之二十五的第二阶段。
  2. About 40 dividing wall columns (DWC) have been applied industrially. 其中的分隔壁精馏塔已有40座以上工业化。
  3. The principle,structure,energy-saving and key technology of DWC are reviewed. 对DWC从原理、结构、节能和关键技术等方面进行了综述。
  4. The calculation of DWC is based on the ALI of waterand limit of annual effective dose equivalent for the public. DWC的计算是基于公众的年摄入量限值(ALI)和年有效剂量当量限值。
  5. The dividing wall column(DWC) has been in use in the production of the chemical industry for the last 20 years. 分隔壁精馏塔(DWC)在工厂已有20年历史。
  6. DWC of P. tabulaeformis in Nov. 6 was only 1/5 of 5 days ago, and DWC of P. orientalis was nearly 0 at the same time. 进入 11月以后 ,单株日耗水量逐日降低 ,11月 6日油松日耗水量下降为 5d以前的 1 5 ,同期侧柏日耗水量已近于 0。
