

美['ɜːθwəd]  英['ɜːθwəd]
adj.  向地的


  1. There was the quiet terror that suffused my sense when vast hazes of gold washed earthward from star-heavy skies on silent nights. 静夜里,金色的雾气一片苍茫,掠过满天星斗,扑奔大地而来。这时候我混身都充满了无言的恐怖。
  2. Early I searched through the earth for earthward so as to research in earthquake. 早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震.
  3. He hurtles earthward, linked to the 35-metre structure by vines, one tied to each ankle. 他纵身一跳,头朝下地向地面飞去,他的脚踝部各用一股长藤拴在35米的高塔顶上。
  4. The same can be achieved in self-cultivation, and that in a more practical way, by looking earthward instead of skyward. 把仰望的双眼移到地面,同样可以收到修养上的效益,而且更见切实。
  5. The abundance mixing those occurs in the estuary, the outstandinger is the earthward flow in the subsurexpression layer. 在河口湾呈现的混合越强烈,次表层向陆地方向的流量就越大。
  6. The Soyuz TMA-9 capsule took off less than a day after the US space shuttle Atlantis pulled away from the orbiting station and began its journey Earthward. 在联盟TMA 9号飞船发射升空不到一天前,美国阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机已与轨道空间站脱离,开始向地球飞行。
