- Hi Elena, thanks a lot for your comment! 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- Vivian, noted.And elena, see you next time around. 请还没有确定场地的圈友尽快确定,谢谢。
- Elena was presented with gifts and we all ate a fine meal. 埃琳娜得到了礼物,而我们则吃到了大餐。
- Elena is better at backhand stroke,which earned her several points. 埃琳娜的反手球打得好些,她因此而得了几分。
- He put on an apron and peeled the apples,chatting with Elena. 他围上围裙,一边削苹果,一边和埃莱娜交谈。
- But Elena demonstrated unusual speed,energy and skills to return it. 但埃琳娜表现出了非凡的速度、体力和反击技能。