The results indicate that under certain circumstances, government s policy regard emigratory industries in Taiwan may not be efficient. 藉此可分析台湾地区产业外移的问题及政府采取的政策是否能有效达成目的。
The emigratory areas in the northward migrating process in spring-summer are located in the warm sector of warm low on surface and in partial southern air stream on 850 mb isobaric chart, especially in the region controlled by SW air stream. 春、夏季的北迁,迁出地一般位于地面热低压系统的暖区和高空850毫巴图上的偏南气流,特别是西南气流的控制区域;
Research on the Minimum Life Insurance of Poverty Emigratory Townee 城镇移民贫困人口的最低生活保障研究