

美[fʊl]  英[fʊl]
adj.  满的;充满的;完全的
n.  全部;极点
adv.  非常;直接地
vt.  使衣服宽松;增厚
  比较级:fuller  最高级:fullest  名词:fullness  过去式:fulled  过去分词:fulled  现在分词:fulling  第三人称单数:fulls


  1. 完全的,充分的
  2. 满的,充满的,装满的,挤满的
  3. 宽松的
  4. 正式的
  5. 丰满的,圆润的
  6. (酒)浓郁的,醇厚的
  7. 丰富的
  8. 吃饱的
  9. 最大的,最高的
  10. 强烈的
  11. 深的
  12. 完整的,详尽的
  13. 尽兴的
  1. 全部
  2. 完全,充分,彻底
  3. 极盛时,顶点,极点
  4. 丰满型船
  5. 满风
  6. 十分
  7. 最大的量、程度、数目、尺寸等
  8. 整个
  1. 直接地,径直地
  2. 完全地,充分地,到最大程度
  3. 整整,足(足)
  4. 恰恰,正好,恰好
  5. 极其,十分,非常
  1. 【纺】蒸洗,漂洗
  2. 缩绒,缩呢
  3. 把(衣服)裁宽大些
  4. 把(裙子)缝出皱褶
  5. 圆,满(月)
  6. (通过缩水、捶打或熨烫)增加(布料的重量和厚度)
  7. 使...充满
  8. 增厚


  1. 满的,装满的 holding as much as it can
  2. 完全的,充分的,完整的 complete; with nothing missing


  1. the time when the Moon is fully illuminated;

    "the moon is at the full"

  1. containing as much or as many as is possible or normal;

    "a full glass" "a sky full of stars" "a full life" "the auditorium was full to overflowing"

  2. constituting the full quantity or extent; complete;

    "an entire town devastated by an earthquake" "gave full attention" "a total failure"

  3. complete in extent or degree and in every particular;

    "a full game" "a total eclipse" "a total disaster"

  4. filled to satisfaction with food or drink;

    "a full stomach"

  5. (of sound) having marked deepness and body;

    "full tones" "a full voice"

  6. having the normally expected amount;

    "gives full measure" "gives good measure" "a good mile from here"

  7. being at a peak or culminating point;

    "broad daylight" "full summer"

  8. having ample fabric;

    "the current taste for wide trousers" "a full skirt"

  1. to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form);

    "fully grown" "he didn't fully understand" "knew full well" "full-grown" "full-fledged"

  1. beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening;

    "full the cloth"

  2. make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
  3. increase in phase;

    "the moon is waxing"


  1. full audience满座的观众
  2. full brothers亲兄弟
  3. full bus满载乘客的公共汽车
  4. full cargo满载的货物
  5. full daylight大白天
  6. full details详细叙述
  7. full dress盛装
  8. full glass of wine一满杯酒
  9. full harvest丰收
  10. full house客满
  11. full information详细的资料
  12. full life有丰富经历的一生
  13. full marks满分
  14. full maturity完全成熟
  15. full meal丰盛的一餐
  16. full membership正式成员
  17. full mobilization充分的动员
  18. full name全名
  19. full notes详细记录
  20. full pay全薪
  21. full potency最大潜力
  22. full power全权
  23. full professor〈正〉教授
  24. full report详尽的报道
  25. full speed全速
  26. full statement详尽的声明
  27. full stomach吃饱了肚子
  28. full stop句号
  29. full supply充足的供应
  30. full text全文
  31. full tide满潮
  32. full view全景
  33. full voice洪亮深沉的声音
  1. quite full十分满
  2. so full如此满
  1. full of充满着的,有很多的
  2. full of joy(生活)充满欢乐
  3. full of hope充满希望
  4. full of people挤满了人
  5. full of water装满水的
  6. full of admiration怀着钦佩的心情
  7. full of ambition满怀雄心
  8. full of energy精力充沛
  9. full of pride充满自豪感
  10. full of vigour and vitality生气勃勃
  11. full to满到…
  12. full to the brim满到了杯、碗的边
  13. full to the roof(旅馆等)住满了人的


  1. Hotels are often full in season在度假旺季,旅馆经常客满。
  2. He gave a boring speech full of stale jokes.他的发言很乏味,满是陈腐的笑话。
  3. The bottle is full of water.瓶子里装满了水。
  4. The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花盛开了。
  1. Sign your name in full.签下你的全名。
  2. The moon can't always be at the full.月亮并不总是都是圆的。
  1. They knew full well that he wouldn't keep his promise.他们很清楚地知道他不会遵守诺言。
  2. Henry hit him full in the face.亨利一下正打在他的脸上。


    full的基本意思是“满,充满”,指容器或空间不能再装下某物或人,也可表示“吃饱了”。full引申可表示“完全,全部”。 full作“满的”解时是绝对意义的形容词,不用于比较等级。但作“完整的”解时可用于比较等级。 full用作形容词时在句中作定语或表语。 full of的意思是“充满…的”,在句中作表语或后置定语。 full to表示“到…程度”, to是介词,其后接名词或动名词。


  1. 他们充满了喜悦。

    They were full with joy.

    They were full of joy.

    They were filled with joy.


    His head was full with clever ideas.

    His head was full of clever ideas.

    His head was filled with clever ideas.


    The downstairs rooms were already full with people.

    The downstairs rooms were already full of people.

    The downstairs rooms were already filled with people.

    表示“充满”,可以用be full of或be filled with,不可说be full with。


    The cake is full of sesame seeds.

    The cake is covered with sesame seeds.


    His head is full of sweat.

    His head is covered with sweat.

    be full of指内部充满某物,其后接的名词或代词只能指装入某容器或房舍中的人或物,或者能容纳于某物之中的事物。be full of不能指表面沾满某物。

