Idiomaticity is a common phenomenon in natural languages. 摘要熟语是自然语言中普遍存在的语言现象。
A knowledge of their idiomaticity, especially their semantic features may help us understand and use them better. 语言是文化的组成部分,英语习语作为英语语言中的一种固定表达方式,也包含着丰富的文化内容。
Since formulaic sequences help language users achieve fluency and idiomaticity, research is needed in how L2 learners acquire and process them. 恰当运用词块有助于提高交际的流利性和选词的地道性,因此探讨二语学习者如何习得、处理和运用词块尤为必要。
As an important component part of the idiomaticity in the language, the acquisition of idioms has a direct effect on the acquirement of target language fluency. 习语作为惯用表达法的一个重要组成部分,其习得的成效必然影响目的语流利性的培养。
Word clusters and the idiomaticity of learner English 词丛与学习者英语的地道性
2) facilitating language idiomaticity and vividness; 二是提高语言表达的地道性和生动性;