

美[ɪ'mækjələsɪ]  英[ɪ'mækjʊləsɪ]
n.  无污点;清净;纯净


  1. Her voice is perfect with immaculacy. 她的声音完美无暇。
  2. Serendipity - The permanence of immaculacy. 全部都是正货,谢谢您的支持!
  3. It tastes delicate, exquisite, and dainty; looks white and immaculacy. 入口有细微丝感,洁白细腻,质爽而无暇。
  4. Long after,all the world are decorate by the white fairy,everything seems so immaculacy.................... 许久以后;整个世界都被白色的精灵装点起来;一切都显得那么纯洁;那么无暇....................
  5. Let the people who immaculacy、well-behaved can get others\' help, and step into the kingdom of happiness and freedom. 那些心灵纯洁、行为端正的人总是能得到大家的帮助,走进快乐和自由的王国。
  6. You go into immaculacy for affection, and you let life becomes eternal for love, with your little heart holds boundless hone and endless love as full warm water in a vernal river. 你因情而变得纯洁,你为爱使生命成为永恒;娇小的心,容纳着满江春水般漫漫的思念、漫漫的爱。
