

美[ɪn'ɔːltərəbəl]  英[ɪn'ɔːltərəbl]
adj.  不能变更的;不变的
  副词:inalterably  名词:inalterability


  1. not capable of being changed or altered;

    "unalterable resolve" "an unalterable ground rule"


  1. It originates from Decree of Heaven, exterior force, which is inalterable, which is not decided by oneself. 责任来源于天命,一种外来的力量,是不可改变的,不由自己决定。
  2. Mr. Lee's determination for Taiwan independence seems inalterable ; a leopard cannot change its spots. (李先生有独立的决心,似乎很难改变;这是本性难改吧!)
  3. Mobile communication devices such as PDA and cellular phone will be inalterable and credible by installing the PTD (Personal Trusted Device). 手机等行动装置加装此安全模组晶片将成为可信赖之防窜改装置,即个人信赖装置。
  4. Abstract: The principle of judge inalterable is an important principle in the criminal justice.It is significant to ensure the justice of trail outcome and procedure. 文章摘要: 庭审法官同一是刑事审判程序中一项重要的原则,对保证审判程序和结果的公正有着重要意义。
  5. The dial shall be made of copper aluminum alloy, inalterable black numerals and graduation on white background. The manufacture of same will be to applicable standards. 仪表的刻度盘应为机械指针式,应选用铜铝合金材质,底色为白色,上面标的数字和刻度为黑色(不易褪色),刻度分配应采用厂家提供的标准。
  6. the inalterable routine of a physician. 内科医生的一成不变的诊治程序
