

美[ˌɪnɪlæs'tɪsətɪ]  英[ˌɪnɪlæs'tɪsɪtɪ]
n.  无弹力;坚硬性;不适应性


  1. the lack of elasticity


  1. Diets the moisture content which in the process drains to cause the skin will also become rough, inelasticity. 节食过程中所流失的水分还会使皮肤变得粗糙,无弹性。
  2. "Su Na mode " earlier property right form and structure, expose stage by stage in process of market economy development gave inelasticity. “苏南模式”初期的产权形式与结构,在市场经济发展过程中逐步暴露出了不适应性。
  3. The inelasticity of road network position, the supply and demand that can increase train wagon, ticket is contradictory. 市场经济发展的不平衡性、资源分布的不均匀性。
  4. There is a tradition of research and teaching in inelasticity at Stanford that goes back at least to Wilhelm Flugge and Erastus Lee. 在取材上,本书考虑到不同专业背景学生的特点,为了让他们更好地掌握统计学知识,保留了概率论基础部分。
  5. Come as intellectual economy, company finance affairs shows more and more apparent inelasticity, financial innovation is imperative. 随着知识经济到来,公司财务显示出越来越明显的不适应性,财务创新势在必行。
  6. These inelasticity are a challenge that manages economy to corps, and this kind of challenge is all-around, of deep administrative levels. 这些不适应性是对兵团治理经济的一个挑战,而且这种挑战是全方位的、深层次的。
