Literature Review of Researches on Davidia involucrate Baill. 珙桐研究进展。
Studies on Introduction and Reproduction of Davidia involucrate Baill. 珙桐的引种繁殖研究。
Objective objective To investigate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of TibetanSaussurea Involucrate. 目的验证唐古特雪莲的抗炎镇痛作用。
In the Compositae (Asteraceae), the central portion of the involucrate head bearing tubular or disk flowers. 花盘 Disk 菊科具总苞的的头状花序上着生管状花或心花的中央部分。
A lot of research works have been done with the plants in Subgenus Eriocoryne and Subgenus Amphilaena, such as Saussurea medusa and S. involucrate. 风毛菊属包括五个亚属,以往的研究主要集中于雪莲亚属和雪兔子亚属的植物,如:水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa)、大苞雪莲(S.;involucrata)等。风毛菊属其他三个亚属的植物资源丰富,但研究较少。