

美['liːtʃˌkrɑːft]  英['liːtʃkrɑːft]
n.  医术;医学


  1. Michael live, and this will thank those doctors with high leechcraft, but owe to the attitude from him. 迈克尔活了下来,这要感谢他那些医生的高明医术,但也要归功于他那令人赞叹的态度。
  2. So they are pitiful and my leechcraft is used to cure diseases, since leechcraft is a benevolent skill. 我的医术只是治病救人,医乃仁道,老百姓可怜啊!”爷爷、奶奶常如是讲。
  3. The students, who we cultivate, are of encyclopedical knowledge, profound leechcraft, gracious medical morals, and precise medical manner. 我们的高等医学教育不仅要培养拥有广博的知识,精湛的医术,而且要有高尚的医德、严谨的医风的医学人才;
  4. Combining the clinic, they research various information, solutions, and clinic therapies of hematopathy together and make their leechcraft more exquisite. 祖孙三人结合临床,共同研究出血液病的各方面资料、方案及临床治疗,使他们的医术日益精湛。
  5. Based on inheriting the traditional Chinese medical science, he hands down the super-doper leechcraft to his daughter Yang Lijuan and grandchild Yang Di. 在继承传统中医的基础上,他又把高超的技术传给女儿杨丽娟和孙子杨迪。
  6. Apollo was specialize in playing lyre, shooting archery,leechcraft,fable,music.So he was also the physic-god,the fable-god.He was the most versatile and the most pretty god. 阿波罗擅长弹奏七弦琴、精通箭术、医术、寓言、艺术、音乐,所以他也是医学之神、寓言之神,是希腊神话中最多才多艺,最美最俊的神。
