based on known statements or events or conditions;
"rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year"
in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles;
"legitimate advertising practices"
authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law;
"a legitimate government"
make legal;
"Marijuana should be legalized"
show or affirm to be just and legitimate
make (an illegitimate child) legitimate; declare the legitimacy of (someone);
"They legitimized their natural child"
I'm not sure that his business is strictly legitimate.我说不好他的生意是否全部合法。
He is a legitimate heir to the throne.他是王位的合法继承人。
a legitimate son.婚生子
Politicians are legitimate targets for satire.政治家理所当然是讽刺的靶子。
This is a legitimate argument.这是合乎情理的论据。
Distributed Denial of Service, which depletes the network's resource and denies service to legitimate users, is one of the hardest security problems in the Internet.分布式拒绝服务攻击,目的在于耗尽网络资源从而使合法用户的服务请求被拒绝,是最难解决的网络安全问题之一。
The second made its unlicensed nuclear programme more legitimate, removing the main objection to India's presence among great powers.而核合作则赋予了印度未经授权的核项目合法性,为印度跻身于强国之林扫除了主要障碍。
For merchants, it is important to remember that an authorization is not proof that the true card holder is making a purchase or that a legitimate card is involved.对于商家,这是重要的是要记住,一个授权是不是证明了真正的信用卡持有人正在购买或一个合法的卡是参与。