

美[ˌleprə'serɪəm]  英[ˌleprə'seərɪəm]
n.  麻疯病院


  1. In Malaysia, teachers and volunteers from the Da Ai Educare Center in Kuala Lumpur organised a visit for the children to the Sungai Buloh leprosarium. 在马来西亚、吉隆玻的大爱教育中心老师与志工,为小朋友们安排了到双溪毛糯痲疯病院探访老人;
  2. During the monthly visits to the leprosarium, Liao helps cut and file the patients' hardened nails with utmost gentleness and care. 每个月到麻风病院的访视,廖迎发都小心翼翼,温柔的为老人家修剪又厚又硬的指甲。
  3. April 15, 2007, more than 100 people's grassroots organizations join in solidarity for the rally for supporting Losheng Leprosarium. 96年4月15日,全台上百个民间团体,一起响应415护乐生大游行。
  4. It proves that the independent citizens' solidarity from all over Taiwan is much stronger than more real than the rally to tear down Losheng Leprosarium which was mobilized by the politicians. 自主人民从台湾各地自发性的到场声援乐生,比台北县政客动员的游行,真实得太多了。
  5. A Study on the mental condition of 120 cured patients in leprosarium 120例住院麻风患者心理状况的研究
  6. students from different medical schools held a research camp in Lo-Sheng Leprosarium. 1994年,捷运新庄机厂在未与乐生院民沟通的状态下,确定选址于乐生院。
