Noun- a Hebrew minor prophet of the 5th century BC
- an Old Testament book containing the prophecies of Malachi
- Malachi in Hebrew means: Messenger of Jah. 玛拉基希伯来语的意思是:耶和华的使者。
- The prophet Malachi speaks of the two comings. 先知玛拉基亚,对祂的两次来临,都曾预言过。
- The word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. 耶和华藉玛拉基传给以色列的默示。
- Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Jonah. 丛 书 项: International Critical Commentary ;
- Malachi Behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven. 那日临近,势如烧着的火炉。
- Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book. 玛拉基是书写圣经旧约最后一篇的上帝的先知。