

美[mɪ'saɪənɪzɚm]  英[mɪ'saɪənɪzɚm]
n.  救主即将降临之信仰


  1. The Image of the Perfect Ruler in Early Taoist Messianism: Lao-tzu and Li Hung. 早期道教救世主义中的真君形象。
  2. Firstly, I wonder why he cites the pseudo-Pauline epistles in an effort to uncover Paul's thought on messianism? 首先,我感到不解:他为何引用假借保罗为名的书信,以揭露保罗的弥赛亚思想?
  3. Augustine (On Jn. tr. 34, 8f).A convenient, festive messianism, without strength and responsibility is an absurdity, it is even satanism (Mt 16, 23). 一个合宜的,救世主的节日,缺少强度和责任是荒谬的,简直是撒旦(玛十六23)。
  4. The disciples of Jesus, with Peter at the head, react to the announcement of the redemptive Passion, that is, to the true messianism foretold and effected by the Beloved Son. 耶稣的门徒们,以伯多禄为首,对于救赎苦难宣告的反应,那是真救世主所预言,由爱子来完成的。
  5. Messian 梅西昂
