

美[mɪ'krɪtɪk]  英[mɪ'krɪtɪk]
adj.  [地]微晶灰岩含量高的


  1. The metamorphic micritic limestone intercalated with metamorphic muddy siltstone in the lower part is assigne... 上部以变质细粒砂岩为主夹变质粉晶灰岩,厘定为纳兴组。
  2. Blackish micritic limestones frequently accreted with grayish mudstones.They were the results of deep to semi-deep lacustrine environments. 深灰色泥晶灰岩常与灰黑色泥岩伴生,是深湖-半深湖环境产物。
  3. Middle-Upper Cambrian dolomites in Shimen,Hunan Province,are mainly composed of anhedral micritic dolomite,euhedral and subhedral granular dolomites,grain dolomite. 湖南石门中上寒武统白云岩极其发育,类型多样,不同类型的白云岩其成因机理和白云石化模式各不相同。
  4. The reservoir rocks include contain oolitic limestone, micritic dolomite and residual oolitic dolomite, of them the residual oolitic dolomite is the best reservoir. 指出该类气藏储集岩主要有残余鲕粒白云岩、鲕粒灰岩和泥-粉晶白云岩,其中残余鲕粒白云岩是最好的储层;
  5. Micritic dolostone occurs widely in the Middle and Upper Cambrian and is yellowish brown and brickcolored red, in which parallel laminae, bird's-eyes and mud-cracks are developed. 准同生白云岩广泛出现于中上寒武统,岩石呈土黄色、砖红色,具纹层、乌眼、乾裂构造。
  6. Triassic ammonites,fossil plants and radiolaria occurred in normal sedimentary micritic limestone,detrital rock and silica rock and represented the sediment age of the Bayankelashan Group. 其中三叠纪的菊石、古植物、放射虫等标准化石分子产于正常沉积的泥晶灰岩、碎屑岩、硅质岩等岩层中,代表巴颜喀拉山群的沉积时代,且在纵向与横向上控制程度高。
