

美['niːdəlˌfɪʃ]  英['niːdlfɪʃ]
n.  [动] 颌针鱼(一种长嘴便鳞之海鱼)


  1. elongate European surface-dwelling predacious fishes with long toothed jaws; abundant in coastal waters
  2. fish with long tubular snout and slim body covered with bony plates


  1. A similar or related fish,such as the needlefish. 颌针鱼一种类似或有关的鱼,如颌针鱼
  2. A similar or related fish, such as the needlefish. 颌针鱼一种类似或有关的鱼,如颌针鱼
  3. We report on an unusual case of penetrating tracheal injury caused by a needlefish. 我们报告一个被针鱼刺伤穿通气管的罕见个案。
  4. This diving lobsterman was struck by a needlefish on his anterior neck and presented with extensive subcutaneous crepitus and hemoptysis on arrival at the emergency room. 这是一个潜水捕捉龙虾的渔夫被针鱼撞击到前颈部,送达急诊室时,有广大面积皮下气肿及吐出痰中带血等症状。
  5. Needlefish are characterized with their rigid, elongated jaws.They are frequently attracted by light at night and may inflict a wound by plunging their sharp beaks into anyone in their path. 摘要针鱼是一种喙部长而坚硬的鱼类,它们经常会于夜间朝灯光处飞行前进。
  6. a similar or related fish,such as the needlefish 一种类似或有关的鱼,如颌针鱼
