

美[ˌnjʊrə'trɒpɪk]  英[ˌnjʊərə'trɒpɪk]
adj.  亲神经的;嗜神经组织的


  1. (of a virus, toxin, or chemical) tending to attack or affect the nervous system preferentially


  1. BDV is a highly neurotropic virus and is characterized by a low-productive noncytolytic replication. BDV具有严格的嗜神经性,在感染细胞内呈低产量非溶细胞性复制。
  2. Objective: Borna disease virus (BDV) is a neurotropic nonsegmented negative-stranded RNA virus that caused the illness calling Borna disease (BD). 目的:博尔纳病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV)是一种嗜神经性、非节段性、负股单链的RNA病毒。
  3. In this paper,the therapeutic effects of Neurotropic Factors(NTFs)in se-nile dementia patients were preliminarily studied. 对采用NTFs治疗老年性痴呆进行初步研究。
  4. Despite some limitations, this study shows that perinatal exposure to neurotropic viruses is associated with preterm delivery and cerebral palsy, say the authors. 作者说,尽管还存在一些不足,这项研究表明围产期受嗜神经病毒影响直接和早产和脑瘫有关。
  5. A neurotropic venom. 亲神经性毒物
  6. The egg-adapted Van Roekel strain is highly neurotropic and does not grow efficiently in the enteric tract of the chicken,and the field isolates of AEV is usually enterotropic . Despite this. 鸡胚适应株Van Roekel是高度嗜神经的,并且在鸡的肠道内不能有效的生长,而野毒株却是嗜肠道型的。
