美[nwɑː] 英[nwɑː]
adj. 轮盘戏中黑色数字的
- It is used in reds, particularly Pinot noir. 它用红、黑比诺特别。
- Pinot Noir tends to be low in phenols. 黑比诺往往是低酚。
- Red Burgundy is made from the Pinot Noir grape. 勃艮第红葡萄酒是由黑比诺葡萄酿制的.
- Petit Mouton Noir's lunch - BBQ Pork with potato. 小黑羊的午餐 - 薯仔和猪肉串。
- Pinot Noir is often seen as a cantankerous grape variety. 黑比诺往往被视为一种能言善辩葡萄品种。
- The pinot noir genome is sequenced. GM wine, anyone? 皮诺瓦葡萄的基因组测序工作已经完成。转基因葡萄酒,要来一杯?