

美[ˌɒzmoʊˌregjə'leɪʃən]  英[ɒzməʊregjʊ'leɪʃən]
n.  渗透压调节


  1. Osmoregulation in freshwater forms is usually by means of a contractile vacuole. 谈水种类的渗透调节是用伸缩泡来进行的。
  2. Delauney A J. Verma DPS Proline biosynthesis and osmoregulation in plants [J]. Plant J, 1993,4:215. 王娟李德全.;逆境条件下植物体内渗透调节物质的积累与活性氧代谢[J]
  3. Plant physiological response to salt and transgenic research was discussed in osmoregulation such as proline, trehalose, betaine, inositol. 概述水稻的渗透调节物质如脯氨酸、海藻糖、甜菜碱、糖醇类等对盐胁迫的生理反应及转基因研究;
  4. Iino M, Long C, Wang X (2001) Auxin-and abscisic acid-dependent osmoregulation in protoplasts of Phaseolus vulgaris pulvini. 王晓明、王小菁、潘瑞炽(1999)蓝光对绿豆下胚轴愈伤组织形成和生长过程中蛋白质代谢的影响。
  5. Objective To investigate the clinical characters of chronic hypodipsic hypernatremia with normal osmoregulation of arginine vasopressin (AVP). 目的探讨渴感减退而加压素调节正常的慢性高钠血症患者的临床特征。
  6. The osmoregulation mechanism of strain Al (Art hroba cter sp.) wasstudied,it was found that Al accumulated K~, free amino acid and QAC asits osmoprotecant. 在高盐条件下的渗透调节机制,发现Al在在高盐条件下,其体内积累K~+、游离氨基酸和QAC作为调渗物质。
