We also present the impulse response of the overthrust model. 2)对推覆体模型,文中进行了脉冲响应测试;
Depending on the intensity of the deforming forces the folds may be gentle, sharp, overturned, or overthrust. 根据变形力的强度,褶皱可以是平缓的,陡峭的,倒转的,或逆掩的。
The reconstructin of the structure on the coalbeds represents that overthrust destroy and sav... 沉积后构造对煤层的控制作用主要表现在推覆构造对煤层的破坏和保存两方面。
It is predicted that there is probability of hydrocarbon accumulation in the overthrust belt, and the probability ... 推测上覆推覆带中有聚集油气的可能性,而下伏古隆起形成大油气田的可能性更大。
Depending on the inte ity of the deforming forces the folds may be gentle, sharp, overturned, or overthrust. 根据变形力的强度,褶皱可以是平缓的,陡峭的,倒转的,或逆掩的。
The Glarus Overthrust of Alpine holds swarm of ice-covered moutains lifting in the narrow valley. 阿尔卑斯的葛拉洛斯地区拥有高耸于狭窄河谷的冰川覆盖的群山.