

美['prɪnsɪˌpeɪt]  英['prɪnsɪpɪt]
n.  元首统治


  1. IT WAS LATE JUNE in Sarajevo when Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. 那是在六月底的萨拉热窝,加夫里洛?普林齐普举枪向弗朗茨?斐迪南大公和他的妻子射击。
  2. In the time of the Principate's consolidation, all the princeps' power and the status followed old conventions. 元首制巩固时期,元首的各种权力和元老院的地位与作用皆由奥古斯都时期沿袭而来。
  3. Abstract: During the period of Principate, the Roman army underwent two important changes. 提 要: 进入帝国时期以后,罗马的扩张活动基本上偃旗息鼓。
  4. The financial, like every other department of administration under the autocracy, differed in its leading features from that of the Principate. 如同其它行政部门一样,君主专制之下的财政也与元首制时期有显著差别。
  5. Network Marketing channels should also be based on the princip le of convenience for consumers settings. 网络营销的渠道也应该是本着让消费者方便的原则设置。
  6. The basic mathematical formulas are derived, from the point of view of the fracturing mechanics princip... 为水力压裂开采煤层气提供重要理论依据。
