

美[rɪ'sɜːkjəleɪt]  英[rɪ'sɜːkjʊleɪt]
v.  (使)再循环;回流;信息重记;信息重复循环


  1. Rather than use fans to recirculate old air, fresh air will be delivered to every floor through natural buoyancy. 大厦并不采用风机来循环利用内部空气,而是通过空气自然对流,将新鲜空气流通到每个楼层。
  2. The compacted ribbon is milled with the option to recirculate fine materials to achieve the desired degree of aggregation. 选用(目数)合适的密实的纱网搅拌(筛选)粉粒以回收精细材料而获得理想的制粒效果。
  3. When you are normally active during the day, the muscles in your legs help move blood and fluids back to the heart so they can recirculate. 当你在白天活动的时候,肌肉和腿会帮助那些液体回到心脏以进行循环。
  4. Hight efficiency heater complete with automatic temperature control system,guarantees hot air to pentrate through yarns and recirculate within the enclosure. 从低温出口往高温入口逐节回风,节省热能,并使绞纱烘后回潮均匀。
  5. It is characterized by a connection between the aorta and the pulmonary artery which allows oxygen-rich (red) blood that should go to the body to recirculate through the lungs. 在主动脉和肺动脉之间(存在出生后本来应该关闭)的连接通道是其特点,政造成(部分)富含氧的鲜红色血液未能进入全身循环,而是经过此通道(动脉导管)再次回流到肺部,(增加心脏的负担)。
  6. Conclusions:The head-down tilt position is conducive for the blood to recirculate,which could decrease the risk of deep vein thrombosis after laparoscopy. 结论:头低脚高位有利于血液的回流,可能降低术后下肢深静脉血栓的风险;
