Reprovision have to eat the goose allocation of the Northeast Desheng old wine. 另配有吃鹅肉最配的东北德生老酒。
From an engineering perspective, it is not feasible to reprovision these pumping stations outside of Central. 从工程角度来看,把这些抽水站重置在中环以外并不可行。
Building reprovision has song and dance halls, sauna center, gymnasium and other facilities. 大厦另配有歌舞厅、桑拿中心、健身房等设施。
According to the user may also need to reprovision bright annealing line, the pressure of the entire park, and other sewing aids. 还可根据用户需要另配在线光亮退火,内压缝整园等辅助设施。
Usually bring their own cage type tapered brake rotor motor (or reprovision cylindrical electromagnetic brake rotor motor) driver. 通常用自带制动器的鼠笼型锥形转子电动机(或另配电磁制动器的圆柱形转子电动机)驱动。
Plans are under way for the development of Phase II of the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market to reprovision all fresh food produce wholesale activities in Kowloon under one roof. 该处正计划发展长沙湾副食品批发市场第二期,把九龙区所有新鲜副食品批销活动集中于同一市场内。