

美[rɪ'vɪʒənərɪ]  英[rɪ'vɪʒənərɪ]
adj.  校订的;修正的;修订本的


  1. Further revisionary study is necessary. 更进一步的修定研究是必要的。
  2. To improve law through the revisionary rejection of some received legal understandings as mistaken. 藉修改而抛弃那些公认为错误的法律理解,以此改善法律。
  3. But we can distinguish broadly: Descartes, Leibniz, Berkeley are revisionary, Aristotle and Kant descriptive. 但我们可以大致地加以区分:笛卡尔、莱布尼茨、巴克莱是修正的,亚里士多德和康德是描述的。
  4. New record of a species of Phacellaria Benth. (Santalaceae) from China, with revisionary note of the genus. 中国檀香科无茎草属的一新种新记录和属的特征的修订.
  5. The productions of revisionary metaphysics remain permanently interesting, and not only as key episodes in the history of thought. 提出修正的形而上学在哲学史上保持着长久的兴趣,而且不仅是思想史上的关键情节。
  6. Descriptive metaphysics is content to describe the actual structure of our thought about the world, revisionary metaphysics is concerned to produce a better structure. 描述的形而上学满足于描述我们关于世界的思想结构,修正的形而上学则关心产生一种更好的结构。
