of or concerning a gamopetalous that has a slender tube and an abruptly expanded tip
Calyx tubular.Corolla usually tubular, salverform, or campanulate. 花萼管状通常管状,高脚碟状的花冠,或钟状。
Any of various North American plants of the genus Phlox, having opposite leaves and flowers with a variously colored salverform corolla. 福禄考一种福禄考属北美植物,有对生的叶子和花,并有多种颜色的管状花冠
Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, throat narrowed, without scales, lobes overlapping to right. 高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,喉缩小,没有鳞片,裂片对正确地重叠。
Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, slightly inflated near base, lobes overlapping to right. 高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,稍膨大近基部,裂片对正确地重叠。
Flowers nocturnal, borne in lateral areoles, solitary, sessile, funnelform or salverform, usually large. 开花夜开性,着生在侧小窠,单生,无柄,漏斗状或者高脚碟状,通常大。