

美  英
sp.  萨莫色雷斯岛[希腊](在爱琴海东北部)


  1. Apollos and Venuses and the Winged Victory of Samothrace(14) are friends of my finger tips. 阿波罗、维纳斯和萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神都是我指尖的朋友。
  2. Apollos and Venuses and the Winged Victory of Samothrace are friends of my finger tips. 阿波罗、维纳斯和有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神是我的手指尖的朋友。
  3. One which is brought from the Island of Samothrace, and is purple like the cloak of Caesar. 一种来自撒摩思雷斯,有和恺撒的长袍一样的紫色。”
  4. From Troas we put out to sea and sailed straight for Samothrace, and the next day on to Neapolis. 11于是从特罗亚开船、一直行到撒摩特喇、第二天到了尼亚波利。
  5. Among the well-known sculptures are the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo. 在著名的雕塑作品中有胜利女神和维纳斯。
  6. Apollos and Venuses and the Winged Victory of Samothrace are friends of my finger tips.The gnarled, bearded features of Homer are dear to me, for he, too, knew blindness. 荷马的那 副多瘤有须的面容对我来说是极其珍贵的,因为他也懂得什么叫失明。
