

美['sænɪdiːn]  英['sænɪdiːn]
n.  透长石(玻璃长石)


  1. In order to determine the time sequence of recent eruption in Tianchi volcano, the TL thermal-stability has been investigated for pumice and sanidine phenocryst within the volcanics. 为厘定天池火山近代喷发的时序,对碱流岩中的浮岩和透长石斑晶进行了热释光(TL)信号热稳定性研究。
  2. This will causedifferent ascent velocities and then different diffusion rates of volatile in magma. The change of the pH2o in magmas during their ascenting triggers the changes of the stability of phlologopite,leucite and sanidine. 从而引起岩浆在上升过程中所含挥发分发生散失的程度有差异,造成PH2o的变化,而这正是控制金云母、透长石及白榴石稳定性及变化的主要物理参数。
  3. Studies on Gyirong Basin Pliocene sediments showed that the nest composition of the sediments were smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, illite, sanidine, quartz, calcite and less gypsum. 对吉隆盆地中上新世沉积物的研究表明,沉积物的矿物成分主要由黏土矿物伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石、蒙脱石以及长石、石英、方解石及少量的石膏等组成。
  4. BT-1 Sanidine,a New Standard Sample Candidate for ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar Dating and a Primary Analysis Result 用于新生代定年的Ar-Ar法标准样品候选样品初测结果
  5. high sanidine 高温型透长石
