the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more
the act of achieving full gratification
If so, satiation is said to exist. 如果这样,则可以认为存在着餍足情况。
Hunting is usually initiated by hunger and stopped by satiation. 追逐现象通常是由饥饿所引起的,并由于饱食而停止。
The film is satiation, hard, gloss. The application is convenience. 漆膜饱满、坚硬,高光泽,施工方便。
Satiation warm clothing, Yat home without religion, while near an animal. 饱食暖衣,逸居而无教,则近于禽兽。”
The problem of economic balance of satiation consumer has been studied in the present paper.A balance law was proposed. 研究当消费者处于饱和状态时经济均衡的存在性问题;利用角谷不动点定理;给出了一个均衡存在性定理.
This practice stretches mealtime, makes less food seem like more and gies the body time to achiee satiation. 这一习惯延长了用餐时间,使得食物并不像看起来的那么少,让机体有足够的时间得到饱足感。