

美['saɪmənɪ]  英['saɪmənɪ]
n.  僧职买卖;僧职买卖罪;僧职买卖所得的利益


  1. traffic in ecclesiastical offices or preferments


  1. This is Simony( Chun-yip Lai). He has a sense of humor. His eloquence is also impressive. He is also a good leader. 这就是黎俊业同学,极具幽默感,有很强的说话能力。他也是一个好的领袖。
  2. This is Simony (Chun-yip Lai). He has a sense of humor. His eloquence is also impressive. He is also a good leader. 这就是黎俊业同学,极具幽默感,有很强的说话能力。他也是一个好的领袖。
  3. A Franciscan from Genoa, he enriched his family and the Papal States through simony and heavy taxation. 原为热那亚方济会修士,通过买卖圣职圣物和收取高额税收而使家庭和教廷国致富。
  4. Besides, the temptation of God, perjury, sacrilege, and simony are bad habits which are ostensibly religious but substantially blasphemous. 此外,试探天主、假誓、亵圣、亵圣交易是披上宗教外衣却实质对天主不敬的恶习。
  5. But Siena boss Gigi Simoni has confirmed that he expects Taddei to stay with the Tuscan minnows. 但锡耶纳的教练吉吉.;西蒙尼则希望塔代伊能继续留在锡耶纳。
  6. These included the practices of simony (the buying and selling of church office) and pluralism (the holding of multiple church offices at the same time) as well as greed. 这包括买卖圣职行为(买或者卖教会职位),身兼数职行为(同时身兼多个教会职位)和贪婪行为。
