Activation of the heart normally begins in the sinoatrial node. 在正常情况下,心脏的活动始于窦房结。
Result:There were 50 patients with bradycardic dysfunction of sinoatrial node. 结果:发生缓慢性窦房结功能紊乱者共50例,其中窦性心动过缓36例(13。
The sinoatrial node is located at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium. 窦房结位于上腔静脉与右心房的交界处。
The lymphatic vessels of the sinoatrial node of 20 goat hearts were studied by injecting a solutions of 30% Prussian blue dissolved in chloroform. 用注射30%25普鲁士蓝氯仿溶液的方法观察了20例山羊窦房结的淋巴引流.
Conclusion Hyperthyroidism presenting as bradycardia is related to the sinoatrial node function. 结论甲亢可影响窦房结功能使其心动过缓。
Influence of Ischemia-Reperfusion on Apoptosis of Sinoatrial Node Cells in Rabbits In Vivo. 缺血再灌注对在体兔窦房结细胞凋亡影响的研究