美['stresə] 英['stresə]
n. [心]紧张性刺激
Noun- any agent that causes stress to an organism
- Depression may also be acting as a stressor. 沮丧也可以成为一种压力。
- The stimuli or agents that induce stress are termed stressor. 应激原是指引起应激反应的各种刺激因素.
- These factors set the stage for an acute physical or emotional stressor to trigger the dissection itself. 这些因素使得急性身体和精神应激因素有用武之地,并最终导致主动脉夹层。
- The analysis of cause from demand, cognition, stressor searches for many factors that cause the negative emotion. 本文从需要、认识、压力源等多角度对此状况进行了成因分析,探寻使高校贫困生产生负性情感的多种因素。
- They are ranked as the fourth most intense stressor, higher than work and personal safety. 儿童被评为第四大压力来源;排名高于工作、个人安全。
- It is through this web of interlocking mediating force that a potential “stressor” must pass. 一个潜在的施压因素正是通过这样互相联系又相互制约的力量网而显现出来的。