美['sʊkə] 英['sʊkə]
sp. <希伯来> n.苏克棚
- Blessed are you Adonai, king of the universewho has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded usto dwell in the sukkah. 今晚刚好有人要来我家唱诗歌,我真是觉得幸福,在住棚节的七天,大家也要快乐喔!
- An Orthodox man walks inside a Sukkah near the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, during Sukkot, a holiday commemorating the Jews' 40 years of wandering in the desert. 犹太人住棚节当天,一名东正教男子正走进位于希伯伦“列祖之墓”附近的一幢苏克棚内。住棚节是为了纪念犹太祖先在沙漠里流浪了40年而设立的节日。