beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable;
"supernormal intimations"
We recommend against the use of a strategy to increase cardiac index to predetermined supranormal levels (Grade 1. 我们不推荐通过增加心脏指数的方法来预先确定超常水平。
Here again, a domestic sanctuary market could be the culprit: supranormal profits at home could allow a company to take losses abroad. 在这里,“受保护的国内市场”又一次成为了罪魁祸首:本国市场上的巨大利润允许一个公司可以承担其在国外的损失。
Sustainable competitive advantage results, according to the resource-based view theory in the creation of above-normal (or supranormal) rents in the long run. 资源论认为可持续的竞争优势可以在长期产生很高的利润。
these units maintained the supranormal function after pyeloplasty. 这些肾单位在肾盂成形术后仍为肾功能异常。
Supranormal DRF exists and represents the true split function of the affected renal unit in patients with adequate renal parenchyma; 结论:异常DRF的出现代表着患者相当肾实质受影响肾单位的真正分肾功能;
Oxygen uptake on cardiopulmonary exercise test (MVO2 testing) in endurance athletes with physiological hypertrophy should be supranormal; 对有心脏生理性肥大的耐力型运动员进行心肺运动试验(MVO2实验),结果中的摄氧量应被视为超常;