

美[ˌsɪmpəθoʊmaɪ'metɪk]  英[ˌsɪmpəθəʊmaɪ'metɪk]
adj.  (药物)拟交感神经的;类交感神经的


  1. relating to epinephrine (its release or action)


  1. The Sympathomimetic Actions of l-Ephedrine and d-Pseudoephedrine: Direct Receptor Activation or Norepinephrine Release? l-肾上腺素和d-假肾上腺素的拟交感样作用:直接受体激活或去甲肾上腺素释放?
  2. Methamphetamime, popularly shortened to meth or ice, is a psychostimulant and sympathomimetic drug. 甲基苯丙胺常常被简称为冰毒,是一种精神兴奋剂和拟交感神经药物。
  3. A sympathomimetic that acts mainly by causing release of norepinephrine but also has direct agonist activity at some adrenergic receptors. 一种拟交感神经药物,主要以引发去甲肾上腺素释放起作用,对交感神经受体也有直接的促进作用。
  4. The sympathomimetic drugs are recommended in rhinitis because a reduction of nasal congestion permits the introduction of other topical therapy such as nasal corticosteroids. 减充血剂之所以在鼻炎中被推荐使用是因为控制鼻充血可以使其它局部治疗手段发挥作用,比如鼻部使用类固醇药物。
  5. A colorless crystalline amine, C8H11NO, found in mistletoe, putrefied animal tissue, certain cheeses, and ergot and also produced synthetically, used in medicine as a sympathomimetic agent. 酪胺一种无色晶体氨,c8h11no,见于槲寄生、腐烂的动物组织、某些奶酪及麦角菌,也可以人工合成,在医学上用作类交感神经药剂
  6. A colorless crystalline amine,C8H11NO,found in mistletoe,putrefied animal tissue,certain cheeses,and ergot and also produced synthetically,used in medicine as a sympathomimetic agent. 酪胺一种无色晶体氨,C8H11NO,见于槲寄生、腐烂的动物组织、某些奶酪及麦角菌,也可以人工合成,在医学上用作类交感神经药剂。
