

美['triːgoʊ]  英['triːgəʊ]
n.  小麦


  1. Como en China todavia no se produce mucha carne, co uminos principalmente cereales: en el Sur, arroz; en el Norte, trigo y maiz. 就像中国仍然不生产大量的肉类,因此主食是谷物:南方是水稻,北方是小麦和玉米。
  2. Como en China todavia no se produce mucha carne, consuminos principalmente cereales: en el Sur, arroz; en el Norte, trigo y maiz. 就像中国仍然不生产大量的肉类,因此主食是谷物:南方是水稻,北方是小麦和玉米。
  3. POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: COO TRIGO operates in the OEMs plants, close to the quality department, and provides services to suppliers, who ... 北京特高咨询服务有限责任公司-工作地点:湖北-武汉,北京
  4. Vice-Rector Rui Martins, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof Manuel Trigo, the Associate Dean, Prof Liu Gaolong, and the authors of the two books attended the ceremony. 副校长马许愿教授、法学院院长尹思哲教授、副院长刘高龙及两书作者等均有出席。
  5. The book was translated by Mr Wei Dan.Prof Manuel Trigo said the launch of the two books was of great value and significance in studying Macao's legal system, roots and development. 法学院院长尹思哲教授表示,两书的出版对研究澳门的法律体系、基础和发展具有相当大的价值和意义。
  6. position description title:production director trigo operates in the oems plants, close to the qua... 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:8-10年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1000人以上
