

美[traɪ'lɪnɪə]  英[traɪ'lɪnɪə]
adj.  三线性的


  1. The received signal of the polarization sensitive array is proved to have trilinear model characteristics. 分析了极化敏感均匀圆阵接收到的信号,该信号具有三线性模型特征。
  2. Tranditional trilinear interpolation costs a lot in the rendering process and many people have improved it. 传统的三元线性插值比较费时,许多人对其进行改进。
  3. Based on the unified theory,trilinear and bilinear moment-rotation hysteretic model were used for CFST column and steel beam respectively. 以钢管混凝土统一理论为基础,钢管混凝土柱构件采用3线型弯矩-转角滞回模型;钢梁采用双线型弯矩-转角滞回模型。
  4. The interaction of a single-mode radiation field with N two-level atoms isdescribed by a Hamiltonian trilinear in the boson operators. 用玻色算符的三维型哈密顿量描述单模辐射场与N个两能级原子的相互作用。
  5. Then, we divide the entire region into many hexahedron elements, and interpolate conductivity and electric potential with a trilinear function in each element. 然后利用有限单元法解变分问题,采用六面体单元对研究区域进行剖分,对电导率及电位均用三线性函数进行插值;
  6. According to the measure of trilinear torsion pendulum and mechanical vibration theory, the power assembly's parameters of NJ1063 and NJ1038 are acquired accurately. 根据三线摆法和振动法的测量原理,准确的获得了NJ1063与NJ1038轻型载货车动力总成的相关参数,建立了动力总成悬置系统的运动仿真模型。
